ACME is a "Swiss army knife" acoustic measurement and evaluation software. With ACME, you can perform basic acoustic measurements, evaluate sound levels, measure frequency spectra and compute difference spectra ("insertion loss").

Using its built-in signal generator, ACME is also capable of measuring low noise acoustic transfer functions. ACME runs on both Linux (Debian-based), and Windows.

As data acquisition, ACME supports sound cards through the OS provided APIs:

  • PulseAudio / ALSA (Linux),
  • WASAPI / ASIO / DirectSound (Windows),
as well as the DT9837A USB DAQ. The backend of ACME is LASP, our in-house developed acoustic signal processing library.

The following list contains an overview of the capabilities of ACME:

  • Signal generator for pink and white noise, sine tones and sine sweeps,
  • Output signal equalizer for fine-tuning the output signal,
  • DAQ configuration: sample rates, buffer block size, non-contiguous input / output channel select, channel naming, IEPE / AC Coupling and a configurable digital high pass filter can be applied to the measurement stream,
  • Measurement start delay, automatic signal generator enabling,
  • Optional automatic measurement file name counter,
  • Measurement data is losslessly compressed and stored in the open source and well-documented (HDF5) data format,
  • Digital signal clipping protection / warning in measurements,
  • Real time signal viewer, peak meter with visual clipping indicator, real time spectrum viewer, real time transfer function estimator,
  • Microphone sensitivity calibration tool,
  • Annotating measurements with comments,
  • Post-processing operations:
    • Sound level vs time, frequency weightings A-weighting, C-Weighting, Z-weighting. Time weightings: Fast / Slow / Impulse / some custom values,
    • Sound level vs time, split in overall / octave band / 1/3th octave band,
    • Sound level statistics: Max / Peak / Equivalent. Octave bands, 1/3th octave band and overall levels,
    • Welch Auto power spectra estimation: customizable smoothing, window type, FFT length, Window type and overlap,
    • Welch transfer function estimation: customizable window type, FFT length, Window type and overlap,
    • Welch signal coherence estimation,
    • Insertion loss estimation, by subtracting power spectra, or transfer functions (lower noise),
  • Figure editing and exporting:
    • Customizing layout: figure range, colors, line styles, title, legends, grid, font size and axes labels,
    • Plot operations: offsetting lines, averaging, (power) summation, difference plot,
    • Exporting: export data to spreadsheet (*.xlsx), comma separated values (*.csv), or Numpy array data (*.npyz).
  • Postprocessing data is automatically stored in the same folder as the measurement files.

Download ACME

ACME is currently in alpha release state, as we are still fixing some bugs related to the stability of the software. Nevertheless, the software functionality is already useful. A pre-release version can be downloaded here:
  • Latest Windows release (coming soon here)
  • Latest Linux (Debian) release (coming soon here)
Please contact us to obtain an alpha release. For extended licenses, please contact us using the email address in the footer below.

ACME Application notes

Here, you can download some application notes (PDF) for ACME: